How to Cure Gum Pain with Best Dentist in Richmond

There are so many things can cause your gums to be sore as well as painful-- but each one of them need a trip to the Best Dentist in Richmond. Sometimes sore and tender gums are just a sign that you brush your teeth very hard. In other cases your gums might hurt in case they’re irritated from dentures or braces. If you are a lady, hormonal changes relevant with your period, menopause or pregnancy can also cause your gums to become painful and swollen. How to treat the Gums Pain Below are some simple home remedies for the achy gums: Rinse out your mouth through warm salt water. Just use toothbrushes with extra-soft or soft bristles. Make use of the over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers, for example acetaminophen (Tylenol), as directed. You will find other OTC products to cure the gums pain at the drugstore. These comprise: Gels which you directly apply to the sore gums (for example Anbesol) Mouthwashes that consist hydrogen peroxide (for example Gly-Oxide) In case your gums hurt ...